Strengthen Anti-Fraud European Network
The new anti-fraud Programme Hercule III of the European Commission has financed the project SAFENET (Strengthen Anti-Fraud European Network) that AVEPA applied as a training activity to prevent the fraud and the corruption.
The action shall aim to introduce and analyze the different fraud prevention systems currently adopted in European Paying Agencies, compare the reciprocal experiences in order to point out mutual strengths and weaknesses, significant cases, tools, and promote mutual exchange of tools, staff exchange and trainings. The above in order to develop common guidelines on critical issues, and to implement good practices on anti fraud procedures to be shared among European Paying Agencies and decision makers.
Objectives of the project
The objectives of the project are moving in the direction of promoting, implementing and sharing tools for the prevention, detection and investigation of frauds by enhancing transnational and multi-disciplinary cooperation; to increase the protection of the financial interests of the European Union against fraud in the Agricultural funds, facilitating the exchange of information, experiences and best practices.
Main goals of the project are:
- share and analyse the results of AVEPA survey on risk management tools in European Paying Agencies (*);
- share best practices and solutions for critical areas of fraud risk management instruments using working groups with the goal of establishing common guidelines;
- define and share internal control system activities (monitoring procedures) to prevent and detect fraud and disseminated them;
- promote network opportunities also trough a shared list of job training, training opportunities offered by each paying agencies participants.
- disseminate the outcomes of the project to all the European Paying Agencies.
(*) AVEPA is implementing (at its own expenses) a survey on a significant sample (reference population: all European paying agencies) in order to record the degree of application and effectiveness of the current fraud risk management tools as well as to identify its most critical areas.
The data from this survey and the contributions that will emerge during the Meeting Day (presentation and mutual knowledge by each paying agency of relevant elements of more advanced/different fraud prevention system and compare the reciprocal experiences, fraud prevention system, strengths and weaknesses, examples, significant cases and tools) will be a starting point to:
- develop the debate among relevant actors and stakeholders
- smooth the flow of experience (round table)
- creation of common solutions, tools and guidelines among Paying Agencies and institutional bodies joining the project through working groups focused on the critical areas will enlighten.
Training needs
- Know and compare the state of the art in European Paying Agencies respect the degree of application, the effectiveness and critical areas of fraud risk management instruments;
- manage the strengths and the weaknesses highlighted by the Paying Agencies regarding the critical areas in the implementation of antifraud strategies;
- grant the raising of fraud awareness in the Paying Agencies using working groups;
- reinforce the new born network between paying agencies started with the previous project A NEW LEAF funded in 2015 by Hercule III programme.
The training activities will involve foreign partners such as the Paying Agencies of Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Czech Republic, Austria, Poland, Romania, Malta, Croatia, Slovenia as well as the regional Paying Agencies operating in Italy.
For further informations about this project please contact:
Denise D'Ambros
tel. +39 049 7708706
This event is supported by the European Union Programme Hercule III (2014-2020). This programme is implemented by the European Commission. It was established to promote activities in the field of the protection of the financial interests of the European Union.
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