SAFENET - Strengthen Anti-Fraud European Network
February 7th, 2017 - Meeting day
AVEPA headquarter, Padova (Italy)
Day of presentation by each paying agency of the relevant elements and more advanced/different fraud prevention systems, comparison of the reciprocal experiences, fraud prevention system, strengths and weaknesses, significant cases and tools, mutual exchange of staff experts and training offers.
February 8th, 2017 - Round Table and Working Groups
AVEPA headquarter, Padova (Italy)
Morning: round table (AVEPA headquarter in Padova): Peter Bader (DG AGRI) intervention: "Integration of indicators ("Red Flags") for fraud and irregularities into the workflow in Managing Authorities and Paying Agencies of the CAP"; OLAF speaker intervention; PRIA (Estonia) intervention; presentation of the data emerged from Avepa survey; discussion on the data and contributions (that will emerge during the Meeting Day) regarding the state of the art of fraud risk management by European Paying Agencies (degree of application, effectiveness and critical areas of the current fraud risk management tools) with the presence of international speakers (DG AGRI and OLAF) .
Afternoon: Working Groups on the thematic topics identified and highlighted by:
- the data survey
- the contributions emerged during the Meeting Day
- the morning debate
for development of common guidelines on critical issues emerged, comments and suggestions of good practices.
February 9th, 2017 - Final Round Table
AVEPA headquarter, Padova (Italy)
With the presence of international speakers (DG AGRI and OLAF), in order to present outcomes of thematics topics (guidelines, proposals, best pratices and anti fraud procedures) and to share activites that AVEPA and other Paying Agencies will achieved during the working groups; end of the activity.
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